Deciding to go the way of search engine optimization is a serious choice, you have to be prepared to do what is needed to get your site ranking well. But remember there are two important parts to it, and getting your website or blog pages just right is crucial. In the beginning it can all look like a terrific amount to get done, but that is only because you are not used to it. The efforts you put into your on-page optimization will give you a huge boost in the ability to rank well. It truly isn’t as much as it may seem from the outside.
It is important that you figure out the keyword phrases you want to target before you do anything else. Getting on page SEO to work for your website is about understanding which keywords you most want to go after. Do some research and figure out which keywords you are going to choose to go after. You don’t have to spend gobs of money on buying high tech keyword mining tools for this purpose. Just use the free tools like “Google Keyword Tool” and you’ll be fine. Make sure the keyword you’re choosing doesn’t have high competition. It should help you gain a good level of traffic. You’ll have a much easier time getting favorable results from your on page optimization when you can ferret out one of these keywords. If you go for a highly competitive or equally little searched keyword, you likely won’t get the results you’re wanting.
Writing your site content for SEO entails you follow some important guidelines for keywords. This is the part of on-page SEO covering the proper use of keywords in sentences. It is generally agreed upon that the first sentence of the first paragraph needs a keyword plus the last paragraph. Nothing is better than checking out your results, and then that is what you should go with if it works for you.
So you execute what you believe or know to work well, and that is about all anybody does.
You really never want to lose link love due to your links, so think about using the nofollow in all your links. But still it is the newer marketers who will generally be unaware of this practice. The latest versions of WordPress will automatically give you options for setting this up as you want it for each link you make. If you think not doing this will adversely affect your rankings, then truthfully it probably will not. You have a lot to consider as you are setting up your site for SEO.
Seriously, there is not a huge amount that needs to go into your on-page SEO efforts. Just about all you need to know, that is available to the public, is certainly no problem at all to find. What really matters is how you position your website in front of the search engines; however, if you are able to give them a positive impression, then you will have no problem getting ranked.